라즈베리파이 모니터링 (spi lcd + python)
라즈베리파이에 모니터링화면을 추가하였다.
lcd는 대륙발 2.2인치 spi lcd로 옛날 언젠가 아두이노에 쓸려고 사놨던걸 사용했다.
저가 lcd임에도 성능은 나쁘지 않은거 같다. (검색해보니 현재 $4정도)
예전에는 드라이버 설치하는데 컴파일해야했던거 같은데 최신 라즈베리파이에는 드라이버가 포함되어있어서 설치도 간편해졌다.
모니터링 프로그램은 python으로 구현했다. 출력은 python로 바로 출력하진 않고 frame buffer에 출력하게 구현햇다.
시스템 현황/세나 현황/터널링 현황 이렇게 10초마다 3화면이 전환된다. 상단바에는 전체의 간략한 정보를 보여준다.
지금은 그냥 10초마다 화면전환이되는데 추후에 로터리 스위치 달아서 전환해보려고한다. 라즈베리파이에 gpio도 겸사겸사 써보고..
화면 렌더링은 pygame을 이용했다. python은 처음 써봐서 소스가 지저분하지만.. 애초에 소스자체는 단순하다. 주로 대부분 콘솔이나 url로 정보를 가져와서 그걸 화면에 뿌려주는것 뿐이다.
전체 소스
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pygame
import os
import time
from time import strftime
import datetime
import httplib
import urllib
import json
from pprint import pprint
os.environ["SDL_FBDEV"] = "/dev/fb1"
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
YELLOW = (255, 255, 0)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
# Return CPU temperature as a character string
def getCPUtemperature():
res = os.popen('vcgencmd measure_temp').readline()
# Return RAM information (unit=kb) in a list
# Index 0: total RAM
# Index 1: used RAM
# Index 2: free RAM
def getRAMinfo():
p = os.popen('free')
i = 0
while 1:
i = i + 1
line = p.readline()
if i==2:
# Return % of CPU used by user as a character string
def getCPUuse():
return(str(os.popen("mpstat | awk '$3==\"all\" {print $4}'").readline().strip()))
def getTunneling():
lines = [[str(i) for i in line.strip().split(' ')] for line in os.popen("netstat -ant | awk '$6==\"ESTABLISHED\" && $4 ~ /.+:3.+$/ {print $4,$5}'").readlines()]
return(["%s <- %s" % (port[port.index(':')+1:],access) for port,access in lines])
# Index 0: total
# Index 1: used
# Index 2: avail
# Index 3: used percent
def getDiskInfo():
return([str(i) for i in os.popen("df -h | awk '$6==\"/\" {print $2,$3,$4,$5}'").readline().strip().split(' ')])
def loadImage(image_name):
image = pygame.image.load(image_name)
except pygame.error as message:
print("Cannot load image: " + image_name)
image = back_image
return image
def displayTime():
font = pygame.font.Font(None, 50)
now = time.localtime()
for setting in [("%H:%M:%S",60),("%d %b",10)] :
timeformat,y = setting
currentTimeLine = strftime(timeformat, now)
text = font.render(currentTimeLine, 0, (0,250,150))
def drawText(text, x, y, size, color):
font = pygame.font.Font(None, size)
text = font.render(text, 0, color)
textpos = text.get_rect()
textpos.x = x
textpos.y = y
screen.blit(text, textpos)
def drawHeaderText(text, x, y, color):
text = headerFont.render(text, 0, color)
textpos = text.get_rect()
textpos.x = x + 2
textpos.y = y + 2
screen.blit(text, textpos)
def displayText(text, size, line, color, clear):
font = pygame.font.Font(None, size)
text = font.render(text, 0, color)
textpos = text.get_rect()
textpos.y = 5 + line
textpos.x = 5
if clear:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, BLACK, textpos, 0)
screen.blit(text, textpos)
def displayLine(text, size, color, clear):
font = pygame.font.Font(None, size)
text = font.render(text, 0, color)
textpos = text.get_rect()
textpos.y = 5 + DISPLAY_LINE
textpos.x = 5
if clear:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, BLACK, textpos, 0)
screen.blit(text, textpos)
def clearLine():
def drawBack():
screen.blit(back_image, back_image.get_rect())
def drawHeader():
pygame.draw.rect(screen, BLACK, (0,0,320,20), 0)
imgrect = icon_electronics.get_rect()
imgrect.x += 0
screen.blit(icon_electronics, imgrect)
drawHeaderText(CPU_temp + "C " + CPU_usage + "%", 22, 0, WHITE)
imgrect = icon_factory.get_rect()
imgrect.x += 100
screen.blit(icon_factory, imgrect)
drawHeaderText(sena_account, 122, 0, WHITE)
if len(tunnel) > 0:
imgrect = icon_code_on.get_rect()
imgrect.x += 280
screen.blit(icon_code_on, imgrect)
drawHeaderText(str(len(tunnel)), 302, 0, WHITE)
imgrect = icon_code.get_rect()
imgrect.x += 280
screen.blit(icon_code, imgrect)
drawHeaderText(str(len(tunnel)), 302, 0, (128,128,128))
size = (320, 240)
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
headerFont = pygame.font.Font(None, 21)
# default image
icon_code = pygame.image.load("icon_code.png")
icon_code_on = pygame.image.load("icon_code_on.png")
icon_electronics = pygame.image.load("icon_electronics.png")
icon_electronics_red = pygame.image.load("icon_electronics_red.png")
icon_electronics_yel = pygame.image.load("icon_electronics_yel.png")
icon_factory = pygame.image.load("icon_factory.png")
icon_factory_off = pygame.image.load("icon_factory_off.png")
back_image = pygame.image.load("back_image.png")
# main image
main_cpu = pygame.image.load("image/electronics.png")
main_ram = pygame.image.load("image/sim_card.png")
main_disk = pygame.image.load("image/database.png")
main_clock = pygame.image.load("image/clock.png")
# tunneling
icon_connect = pygame.image.load("image/icon_connect.png")
# sena
sena_image = back_image
sena_account = ""
sena_game_mode = ""
sena_see = ""
tunnel = []
done = False
while not done:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
done = True
화면1 : 시스템 현황
main_x = 0
main_y = 32
imgrect = main_cpu.get_rect()
imgrect.x = main_x
imgrect.y = main_y
screen.blit(main_cpu, imgrect)
main_y += 50
imgrect = main_ram.get_rect()
imgrect.x = main_x
imgrect.y = main_y
screen.blit(main_ram, imgrect)
main_y += 50
imgrect = main_disk.get_rect()
imgrect.x = main_x
imgrect.y = main_y
screen.blit(main_disk, imgrect)
main_y += 50
imgrect = main_clock.get_rect()
imgrect.x = main_x
imgrect.y = main_y
screen.blit(main_clock, imgrect)
# CPU informatiom
CPU_temp = getCPUtemperature()
CPU_usage = getCPUuse()
drawText(CPU_temp + "C " + CPU_usage + "%", 50, 34, 50, WHITE)
# RAM information
# Output is in kb, here I convert it in Mb for readability
RAM_stats = getRAMinfo()
RAM_total = round(int(RAM_stats[0]) / 1000,1)
RAM_used = round(int(RAM_stats[1]) / 1000,1)
RAM_free = round(int(RAM_stats[2]) / 1000,1)
drawText(str(RAM_used) + "/" + str(RAM_total), 50, 86, 50, WHITE)
disk_info = getDiskInfo()
disk_total = disk_info[0]
disk_used = disk_info[1]
disk_avail = disk_info[2]
disk_percent = disk_info[3]
drawText(disk_used + "/" + disk_total + " " + disk_percent, 50, 138, 50, WHITE)
drawText(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), 50, 190, 40, WHITE)
화면2 : 세나오토 현황
state = {}
urllib.urlretrieve ("http://xxx.xxxx.com/state", "sena.json")
with open('sena.json') as data_file:
state = json.load(data_file)
except Exception as e:
print e
urllib.urlretrieve ("http://xxx.xxxx.com/resize_screen", "sena.png")
sena_image = loadImage("sena.png")
except Exception as e:
print e
sena_image = pygame.transform.rotate(sena_image, 90)
#image = pygame.transform.scale(image, size)
imagerect = sena_image.get_rect()
screen.blit(sena_image, imagerect)
sena_account = state['current_user']['account']
sena_game_mode = state['game_mode']
sena_see = state['current_see']
displayLine(sena_account, 40, YELLOW, True)
displayLine(sena_game_mode, 20, WHITE, True)
displayLine(sena_see, 20, WHITE, True)
displayLine(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(state['current_user']['logined'])/1000).strftime("%m/%d %H:%M"), 25, WHITE, True)
except Exception as e:
print e
화면3 : 터널링 현황
tunnel = getTunneling()
if len(tunnel) > 0:
for idx,tun in enumerate(tunnel):
(port, outside) = tun.split('<-')
port_line = 22
screen.blit(icon_connect, (60, port_line+1, 20, 20))
drawText(port.strip(), 0, port_line, 30, WHITE)
drawText(outside.strip(), 85, port_line, 30, WHITE)
port_line += 30
python은 처음 써봤는데 상당히 괜찮은 언어같다. 프로그램을 짠후에 python책을 따로 자세히 읽어봤는데 더더욱 좋아졌다.
간편함으로는 javascript 그 이상이고 객체지향의 짜임새도 상당하다. 쉽고간편한 배열류 다루기, 다양한 수식표현, lambda, yield 등도 지원한다. 거기다 라이브러리도 방대하다.
몇년전 남들이 좋다좋다할때는 그러려니했는데.. ㅋ